13/02/2020 – 18-20h
Street access: 17:45-18h
Palais de justice de Bruxelles (side entrance)
Vestiaire des avocats
Place Poelaert 1
1000 Brussels
For Assembly (CAVEAT) Agency is convening a gathering of ‘concerned’ around Thing 001779 (Zack Meyer’s T.V. Sales and Service forms). It concerns a conflict between on the one hand O.W. Donald, a non-lawyer contract writer and on the other hand Zack Meyer’s T.V. Sales and Service and Moore Business Forms about the text of a conditional sales contract for TV repairmen called Agreement.
This controversy is part of a series speculating on the question: “How can objective things become included within artistic practices?” This series concerns creations made by governments, state departments, judges, military, prisoners, etc… Specific provisions define the acquisition and exercise of copyright by the state over publications of government works, code and law, judgements, and so on.
During the gathering we will read collectively through fragments of the various case reports. The purpose of this gathering is to revisit the moment of hesitation during the court case and to actualize the problem discussed in the case as a way to fabulate. A diverse group of concerned guests are invited to resonate: Jan Baetens (Professor Literary Theory and Cultural Studies, writer), Aga Kilian (curator and lawyer), franck leibovici (writer and poet), Mariëlle Matthee (linguist), Alain Strowel (Professor Intellectual Property), Emmanuel Verraes (lawyer).
For the organisation of the Assembly, Agency and Caveat connect to Vlaams Pleitgenootschap (VPG), thereby also reaching out to its members to share this moment of reflection, encounter between disciplines and reciprocal sharing of insights and thoughts.
The Assembly starts punctually, please arrive in time.
Places are limited. RSVP via info@caveat.be