All You Need Is The Lavatory

Group exhibition with Jasper Rigole


26 November – 31 December 2017
Opening: Saturday 25 November


Antoine Van Impe, Bart Lodewijks, Bob Van De Putte, Colette Broeckaert, Evelyne Van Overbeke, Evelin Brosi & Elvis Bonier, Jan Op De Beeck, Jasper Rigole, Kasper Andreasen, Kasper Bosmans, Liesbeth Henderickx, Lore Smolders, Nikolaas Demoen, Ode De Kort, Oona Libens, Sébastien Conard, Veerle Beckers


17 artists 17 hosts 17 guests/ A group show with 17 artists. Each artist participates as host of one of the other artists and is likewise guest of one of the other artists. The host could be seen as the passive conglomerate, the guest as intruder, as invité(e), invited to discuss the work of his/her host and point a favourite object – or work – or item, taking advantage of the fact that he or she is the active character in a meeting of two persons who know each other or don’t. Croxhapox won’t interfere in the process of meeting, talk and choice. The result of these 17 encounters makes the presentation.


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