Rag to Rich


Group Exhibition with Eleni Kamma, showing new work from Studies into Characters for a parrhesiastic theater parade


ACG Art Gallery, Athens
Organized by Frances Rich School of Fine and Performing Arts


Opening: Tuesday, March 20, 18:00 – 22:00


Participating artists:
2TWO+1NE=2 / Accidental Queens / ActiVista / Loukia Alavanou / Eliza Alexandropoulou / Margarita Bofiliou / Anastasia Douka / Dora Economou / Georgia Fambris / Marina Gioti / Florence Jung / Demi Kaia / Eleni Kamma / Irini Karayannopoulou / Em Kei / Laur M / Marianne Maric / Rilene Markopoulou / Dawn Nilo / Patriarchy / Maria Polyzoidou / Frances Rich / Despina Sevasti / VV / Amalia Vekri / Eva Vretz
Curated by Poka—Yio


“An anonymous female subject on the journey of self-realization in times of anger and revolt. How do you find your place in a crumbling world of male dominance? Is it worth even trying for change or would it be better to reset? ‘Ungeschehenmachen’, the Freudian un-doing in this case is suggested only by the choice of female artists. Each one of these female artists-actors provides nothing more than the testimonials of her practice yet each one of them could also be seen as the protagonist of this fiction exhibition. The thematic premise of the show has been inspired by the actress-turned-sculptress Frances Rich, after which the American College of Greece has named its school of Fine and Performing Arts after an endowment and the donation of her personal art collection. Rag to Rich adds a twist to the narrative of Rags to Riches, or ascending the economic and social ladder, reversing it into the Fall from Grace, Riches to Rags narrative. The trajectory of the existential path is in this case more like the descending of Persephone into the underworld or the revolt of Antigone against authority. If she lived today she could be channeling her energy in long clubbing nights, leading a demonstration, speaking out on the social media or fighting back in a male dominated corporate world.
A rag in the face feels like a fist in the face.”


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