Theatre piece by Poa-Yio, with performance by Eleni Kamma, in the context of the festival CULTURESCAPES Griechenland.
Can we reverse-engineer the European Union and find its defaults? Is there a future for it? What do the stars say about Europe?
A focus group in the near future with four individuals and a moderator. Each one is briefed in the personas of Jean Monnet, Helmut Kohl, Francois Mitterrand and his astrologer Elizabeth Teissier. They are interviewed on EU and what went wrong from its inception until today.
Tuesday, 21 November, 20h
Kaserne, Basel (CH)
With Philipe Cabane, Eleni Kamma, Kostis Stafylakis, Helmut Kuhn and Poka-Yio
Written and directed by Poka-Yio
Dramaturgy Nefeli Myrodia
Production Marilena Batali
Dramaturgy consultant David Adler
Language: English
Premiere: Nationaltheatret, Oslo, 25 September 2016