Jubilee’s new spaces
As of January 2019, Jubilee has settled on the 6th floor of the former Actiris building in the heart of Brussels, next to Place Bourse. The floor a host of artists and organisations, including Overtoon, Open Source Publishing, Constant, Cosipie and Jubilee. On the 5th floor, dubbed Level Five, a multitude of artists and researchers have their work spaces together with That Might Be Right.
Boulevard Anspachlaan 65 – 6th floor
1000 Brussels
Temporary entrance: Rue Paul Devauxstraat 5
Jubilee’s new postal address (from March 4th onwards):
bpost Bruxelles De Brouckere
Boulevard Anspachlaan 1, box 15
1000 Brussels
For the moment the official seat remains:
Koning Albert II laan 28-30, box 40
1000 Brussels