Walking, Telling, Listening – audio walks
Talk by Justin Bennett at the Locus Sonus Symposium #8 Audio Mobility
Wednesday,16.04.2014 / 10:45
Location: Aix en Provence, France, LAMES MMSH , Ecole Supérieure d’art Aix, Seconde Nature
Justin Bennett will present the lecture Walking, Telling, Listening – audio walks at the Locus Sonus Symposium #8 Audio Mobility in Aix en Provence, France from 16-18 April.
The form of the audio walk seems ideally suited for artists wanting to work with, and in, public space. Using radios, CDs, iPods, or mobile phones, Bennett’s audio walks weave narrative through their locations while exploring the specific acoustic environment and the physical structure of the city. In this talk he will describe the differing formal, aesthetic and technical approaches referring to a number of works from 1997 to the present.
More about the symposium:
If a system capable of generating and capturing audio can share a user’s mobility, is the status of that audio changed? Can there be new forms of audio art that result from mobility?
Romain Barthélémy, Frauke Behrendt, Justin Bennett, Elena Biserna, Xavier Boissarie,
Joel Cahen, Aisen Caro Chacin, Jean Cristofol, Owen Chapman, Laurent Di Biase, Samuel Bordreuil,
Emmanuel Guez, Steve Jones, Jérôme Joy, Fabrice Métais, François Parra, Gaëtan Parseihian,
Matthieu Saladin, Peter Sinclair, Dom Schlienger, Jessica Thomson, Aline Veillat.
1. Roundtables
Wednesday 16 Apr. 9am-6pm –
Thursday Apr. 17th & Friday Apr. 18th – 9am-noon –
Ecole supérieure d’art Aix en Provence
2. Demos / performances / Installations
Thursday Apr. 17th & Friday Apr. 18th / 2-7pm
Seconde Nature & Ecole supérieure d’art Aix en Provence
Full programme