OVERLAP – The no man’s land between art & science
Vermeir & Heiremans‘ A Modest Proposal is featured in OVERLAP – The no man’s land between art & science, a publication by De Jonge Akademie presenting a multitude of contemporary practices situated between art and science.
OVERLAP wishes to explore the field between art and science. Artists and scientists share an unbridled curiosity to understand, explain, and even change the world around us. the Young Academy searched for connections, synergies, and conflicts between contemporary artistic and scientific practices. The exploration of this borderland – the overlap – between science and art resulted in a ‘paper exhibition’ with 52 artistic contributions and 12 essays, matching the rhythm of a calendar year. Each contribution offers a unique perspective in a dialogue that does not result in an unambiguous picture. This in-between area is a challenging no man’s land where different rules and vocabularies coexist. This friction can be inspiring and allow for the unexpected. Can this be the key to gain access to that which lies beyond the borders of our current knowledge?
Due to the current public health measures the book launch has been canceled, but the publication is now available at Uitgeverij Komma.
Editors: Ann Bessemans, Marjan Doom, Frank Merkx, and Nele Wynants
Graphic design: Ann Bessemans
Contributions from: Hans Beckers, Ann Bessemans, Leon de Bruijne, Geoffrey Brusatto, buren, Lies Caeyers, Jo Caimo, Tom Callemin, Nathalie Chambart, Karolien Chromiak, Ella de Burca, Louis De Cordier / Cosco, Katelijne De Corte, Maria Lucia Cruz Correia, Peter De Cupere, Ugo Dehaes, De Laetste Jongens, Damien De Lepeleire, Wim Delvoye, Dries Depoorter, Ive De Smet, Annelys de Vet, Kasper De Vos, Frederik De Wilde, Marjan Doom, Frank&Robbert Robbert&Frank, Freddy K, Pascal Gielen, Tine Guns, Karin Hanssen, Lodewijk Heylen, Athar Jaber, Eric Joris (CREW), Vermeir & Heiremans (JUBILEE), Katrien Kolenberg, Jonas Lescrauwaet, William Ludwig Lutgens, Charlotte Lybeer, Lawrence Malstaf, Frank Merkx, Ria Pacquée, Patrícia Portela, Klaas Rommelaere, Thomas Ryckewaert, Louis Schreel, Carla Swerts, Kevin Trappeniers, Brecht Vanden- broucke, Guus van der Velden, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Jens Van Lathem, Jelena Vanover- beek, Tobias Van Royen, Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, David Vergauwen, Alex Verhaest, Karel Verhoeven, Karen Vermeren, Angelo Vermeulen & Walter Bresseleers, Lien Verpoest, Gosie Vervloessem, Dave Warnier, Wim Wauman, Nele Wynants, and Dirk Zoete.
Publishing and distribution: Uitgeverij Komma
224 pages, colour, hardcover, 2020
ISBN 978-90-830655-0-2 / NUR 640