PARSE Conference
Talk by by Vermeir & Heiremans
on Friday, 6/11/2015.
Masquerade (installation version) on view 4 & 5/11/2015
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
PARSE is an international art and research publishing and conferencing initiative based at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Combining a biennial research conference and a twice-annually published peer-review research journal, PARSE provides a forum for dialogue between artistic researchers and researchers from other domains and disciplines.
PARSE seeks to promote an innovative multidisciplinary research culture in the arts (understood as including music, performing arts, art, design, architecture, literature, film and media.) In creating dialogues and exploring collaborations between researchers in the arts and in other disciplines, PARSE respects the need for the integrity, freedom and specificity of artistic practices.
The first biennial PARSE conference at the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts, University of Gothenburg, Sweden November 4-6, 2015 takes as its point of departure the question of TIME.
Time arguably has always been at the center of the research initiatives of the natural sciences, of philosophy and of the many different practices of history and social criticism. However, time also occupies a central place for the curiosity and attention of artist researchers across all the arts. The intensification of the question of time has, in recent years, prompted some to speak of a “temporal turn” across the disciplines. This conference seeks to bring together a range of researchers, drawn mainly from the artistic fields but also inviting researchers from across all disciplines to consider questions with respect to the practices, processes and perturbations of time.
for further information