Verzamelen Zocalo!
A script by and for Muizen by Stijn Van Dorpe and Elien Ronse in collaboration with many people and associations from Muizen (B)
22/06/2024, 15-21h
Verzamelen Zocalo! is a public moment within Stijn Van Dorpe and Elien Ronse’s ongoing trajectory that follows a study conducted by architects and urban planners in the urbanising village of Muizen. The study was initiated by the Vlaamse Bouwmeester. Unlike the latter’s planning recommendations, Van Dorpe and Ronse’s focus is on exploring what it means to ‘live together’ in this changing Muizen, exploring democratic aspects and possibilities within this living together. From the many conversations they had during their intensive presence in the village, they distilled 5 questions. This led to a script by and for Muizen that was created together with residents and associations such as the Novi Cantores choir and the Musina brass band. On 22 June, you are welcome to join the gathering on the Zocaloplein where the script will be brought to life.
Within the framework of Leefbuurt: Muizen, with the support of the City of Mechelen, platform Kunst in opdracht, Vlaamse Bouwmeester, Vlaamse Overheid, TAAK and LUCA School of Arts
Zocaloplein (Dorpshuis)
Magdalenasteenweg 49
Read more on the website of Elien Ronse
Read more on the website of para-instituut voor KUNST en precariteit (pKp)