Hello From The Other Side
Talk by Marko Stamenkovic
Plateforme citoyenne de soutien aux réfugiés, Brussels
Rue Léon Théodor 85, B-1090 Brussels
Wednesday May 25 at 20:00pm
How do intimacy, masculinity and inter-masculine privacy enter the public preserve of ‘European refugee crisis’ nowadays?
This talk is a short tale about a ‘foreign affair’ between Europe and its significant other: an invite to think and rethink to which extent both sides involved in the so-called integration process comply with our capacity to imagine a ‘life more glamorous’ for everyone and, also, anyone being part of it. And it’s no secret: to migrate from an expectable, either politically correct or incorrect position with regard to this and related issues, presents but another opportunity to exercise the power of words and images (or its lack thereof) around mankind at large – their lives and deaths, their vices and virtues, and the crisis of the self in front of the other. Are you ready?
Marko Stamenkovic (1977) is art historian, critic and curator from the south of Serbia. He holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Ghent (2014). Over the month of April 2016, he was Artist-in-Residence of MuseumsQuartier Wien/Q21 invited by BMEIA (The Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs).
An event organized by Jubilee in collaboration with Cinemaximiliaan and Plateforme citoyenne de soutien aux réfugiés with the support of MuseumsQuartier, Vienna.