7 Walks (resolution) 2022

After a series of walks in September 2021, artist duo Vermeir & Heiremans, in collaboration with the Musée de la ville d’eaux and Jubilee, once again invite you to a new series talking place in Spa in October 2022

Cabinet de lecture: till 14 November 2022
Walking Programme: 09, 15, 16, 23 October 2022

All the walks start at 14h and end at 18h at the Musée de la Ville d’eaux, Spa
Language: French

7 WALKS (resolution) is an artistic research trajectory of artist duo Vermeir & Heiremans in collaboration with guests and participants, that draws inspiration from the legacy of four centuries of water exploitation in Spa. Spa offers the project the unique opportunity for a series of itinerant reflections on water and art. In the course of different walks the artists will situate local practices of ownership in a broader social, legal and political context.

The walks inform and complement a Cabinet de lecture at the Musée de la Ville d’eaux, which contains archival documents and maps, situating the walks in an historical and socio-economic context. Still on view till 14 November 2022.



Walk#01_Promenade d’Orleans to Source Sauveniere, Pouhon des Artistes and Waux-hall

Sunday 9 October 2022, 14-18h

Meeting point: Musée de la Ville d’eaux

Sari Depreeuw is a lawyer specialized in intellectual property rights. During our walk Sari will elaborate on the name of the city of Spa, which has become worldwide brand name. During our walk she introduce us to the notion of copyright and how this concept plays out in relation to the water in Spa.


Walk#02_To the Villa Hoctaisart and promenade De Walque

Saturday 15 October 2022, 14-18h

Meeting point: Musée de la Ville d’eaux

Ingrid Goddeeris is an art historian in charge of the library of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium in Brussels. In her research she focuses on the 19th century Belgian and international art market. During our walk she will introduce one of the most illustrious 19th century residents of the city of Spa, the art dealer Ernest Gambart. After selling his gallery in London Gambart came to live at the Château d’Alsa in Spa where he developed his image of a generous Maecenas, inviting artists to come and take the waters at Spa.


Walk#03_Promenade des Artistes, Pouhon Delcor to Promenade Cherville to Waux-Hall

Sunday 16 October 2022, 14-18h

Meeting point: Musée de la Ville d’eaux

Tatiana Debroux is a geographer with whom we will take a closer look at the creation of walking paths in the southern hills overlooking Spa. These walking trails were created in the 19th century and recorded on maps. They were given specific names, all of which have almost disappeared from sight today.


Walk#04_To Promenade Deschanel and Frahinfaz, further to Balmoral, back via Promenade Arago.

Sunday 23 October 2022, 14-18h

Meeting point: Musée de la Ville d’eaux

Tom Vos conducts research on corporate governance. During our walk he will introduce us to the two main competing theories that argue how a company should be run: the shareholder and the stakeholder approach. Building his argument taking water as a case will lead us along four centuries of fierce competition developed to gain a monopoly on the exploitation of the sources of Spa.

Participation in the walks is free, but the number of participants per walk is limited to 25

Inscription is required

For more information: Musée de la Ville d’eaux

email: info@spavillaroyale.be / telephone: +32[0]87 77 44 86

7 Walks (resolution) is a co-production between Musée de la Ville d’eaux (Spa) and Jubilee asbl (Brussels). The project is supported by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Un Futur pour la Culture) and the Flemish Community.