Symposium with Vermeir & Heiremans during week 10 of MANIFESTIAMO, a conference at Villa Romana in Florence

16/07/2022, 10h

MANIFESTIAMO is a collective format including installations, workshops, round tables, films and talks by more than 70 artists and researchers addressing issues related to the artistic practice and its current conditions over the course of three months. It hosts events with different thematic focuses every week from May to July 2022.


With Vermeir & Heiremans, Jeremiah Day (artist, Berlin), Ana Texeira Pinto (writer and cultural theorist, Berlin; lecturer at the DAI (Dutch Art Institute)), Kerstin Stakemeier (writer and educator; professor of art theory and mediation at the Academy of Fine Arts, Nuremberg), Daniel Baker (artist/curator, London), Jörg Heiser (author, curator, director of the Institut Kunst im Kontext (art in context) UdK Berlin), N.N. ART WORKERS ITALIA

The relationship between state policy and artistic license is a tense and often unspoken one. In the Federal Republic of Germany, it is currently being debated whether culture should be enshrined as a state objective in the Basic Law. This would mean that the state must protect and promote cultural institutions, art, scientific research and teaching, education and artistic activity. But what does that mean? And how nationally is art negotiated then? What ‘protection’ do artists need from the state? And could this end up in a state of dependency and subjection?

Villa Romana
Via Senese 68,
50124 Florence, Italy

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