Saisir la polyphonie / Deciphering Polyphony
In the second session of the seminar Comment exposer la polyphonie? Vincent Meessen and ethnomusicologist Simha Arom lookat the subject of polyphony through the lens of their own practice
09/04/2021, 14-17h
Online via Zoom and ∏-node (language: French and English)
The works of the artist Vincent Meessen concentrate on the formation of Western historical and socio-cultural conceptions of history through a reflexion on the circulation of musical compositions and texts. They question constellations that make it possible to express oneself or to give the opportunity to listen to the voices of others. Furthermore, they analyze the role played by spaces – both physical and discursive – when listening to multiple voices.
With his foundational research in the field of ethnomusicology since the 1970s, Simha Arom developed processes of decrypting polyphonic and polyrythmic musical practices, notably of Central Africa. He insists on the importance of particular technical and conceptual tools regarding this analysis. His research focusses on vocal and instrumental practices in which the dichotomy between listening and performing does not exist.
The session will take place at the German Center for Art History, 45 rue des Petits-Champs, 75001 Paris. Students and researchers are invited to take part via Zoom. The session will be broadcasted by ∏-node, experimental platform for the development of an hybrid web/FM/DAB+ radio format ( To take part to the session via Zoom et access the reader, please send a message to or